Turas Le Cheile Supervision Protocol
- Turas Le Cheile recognises the importance of supervision for all its volunteers. It is an integral part of our on-going professional development and self-care. Supervision maintains and improves the standard of work and relationship with our clients. Hence Turas Le Cheile has a mandatory supervision policy as outlined below. All newly trained volunteers with Turas Le Cheile must attend one supervision session for every five client sessions, up to a minimum of fifty client hours, or one supervision session in six months, if they have less than five client contact hours within this time. This ratio will continue thereafter for the duration of the support workers time with Turas Le Cheile.
- Volunteers who are receiving independent clinical practice supervision, will attend one supervision session for every 20 client sessions, following their initial 50 client hours, or once in six months if they have less than 20 client contact hours within this time.
The appropriateness of the independent clinical practice supervision to meet the requirements for bereavement support supervision will be decided in consultation with the supervisor of Turas Le Cheile.